Just say no to trends...

Just say no to trends...

We are bombarded by articles, ads, and images that tout the latest design trends. This may be styles, colors, or materials. While it may be good to use this to get a fresh idea, or inspiration, we would caution you about following a trend when it comes to your design choices and dollars.

The danger in making costly design choices based on a trend, is that in a year or two, another trend comes along. This makes your super trendy choices look dated. We’ve been in homes where we can tell exactly what year the homeowners remodeled. Often the homeowner is looking to make changes to try to catch up to the latest trends. This is a race that can’t be won.

We encourage you to embrace a more timeless look in the expensive, major components of your home. Certainly it’s great to paint an accent wall with the color of the year. Or bring in fun accessories that are trending. These things can be easily and inexpensively changed out.

Don’t be afraid to buck trends completely, and embrace your own personal style. Some of the most spectacular homes we’ve seen, are completely unique, just like the homeowner. Tell your story with decorating, not the story of a designer that doesn’t know you. You don’t want your home to be beautiful, but not reflect your wonderful personality.

And remember...quality never, ever goes out of style.

Colorado Wood.  Colorado Made. Colorado Style